World Vision Kenya (WVK) is a Christian, relief, advocacy and development organization that is committed to improving the well-being of children, families and communities in Kenya through projects in most parts of the country. We hereby invite expressions of interest from eligible service providers for the below tenders:
WVK/OT/O45/FY24 | Tender to Assess and Establish a Livestock Identification and Traceability System in West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet Counties.
Expression of Interest link: |
WVK/OT/O46/FY24 | Tender for Supply, Delivery and Installation of Automated Weather Station-Solar Propelled
Expression of Interest link: |
WVK/OT/O47/FY24 | Tender for Supply and Delivery of dryland adapted tree seeds
Expression of Interest link: |
WVK/OT/O48/FY24 | Tender for Provision of Construction works for Orolowo Livestock saleyard and Market in West Pokot County, Pokot North Sub County, Kodich Ward and Orolwo Center.
Expression of Interest link: |
WVK/OT/O49/FY24 | Tender for Supply and Delivery of Solar Pumps
Expression of Interest link: |
WVK/OT/O50/FY24 | Tender for Construction 1 no. Girls Dormitory And 1 no.Twin Staff House at St. Mukasa Girls Secondary School in Matete Ap |
WVK/OT/O51/FY24 | Information Technology training solutions |
FswY24 |
Lot 1 – Construction of Three Classrooms and 58 Bed Dormitory for Akoret Secondary School in Baringo County |
Lot 2 – Construction of Eight Staff Houses (Bed sitters), Four Door VIP Door Pit Latrines (1 No.),Two Door VIP Latrines (2 No.) and Septic Tanks (2 No.) for Akoret Secondary School in Baringo County | |
Lot 3 – Construction of Gate House, Access Gate, 1.45km fence and carrying out rehabilitation works for phase 1 project for Akoret Secondary School in Baringo County. | |
Lot 4 – Design, supply, installation and commissioning of solar PV system and solar security lights for Akoret Secondary School in Baringo County. | |
WVK/OT/O53/FY24 | Consultancy Services for Seismo-electric Geophysical surveys including EIA for Proposed Two (2) Borehole Sites in Kamulot & Akoret in Baringo County and Confirmatory Seismo-electric. Geophysical surveys for Proposed Two (2) Borehole Sites in Kalawa, Makueni County |
TENDER WVK/OT/O52/FY24 & WVK/OT/O53/FY24 – Interested and eligible bidders should meet the following minimum requirements: –
- Must be a registered firm in country of operation (Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/Registration)
- Must have registered PIN, valid Tax Compliance Certificate & current CRI2 detailing the firm’s directors.
- Must provide 5% (of the tender value) bid security in form of Bank Guarantee and confirmation of ability to place 10% Performance Guarantee from a reputable bank for Tender No.WVK/OT/O52/FY24.
- The Contractor must possess registration in the category of Building works (NCA 6 or higher) with the National Construction Authority (NCA) or equivalent for (LOT 1,2 &3).
- The Contractor must possess registration in the category of specialist engineering services (Electrical Installations) with the National Construction Authority (NCA) or equivalent for LOT 4 only.
- Copies of registration certificates/evidence of certification from relevant professional/regulatory bodies e.g. (ERC) for LOT 4 only.
- Registration with ministry and geologist’s registration board as a groundwater professional consultant for Tender No.WVK/OT/ O53/FY24 only.
- All interested bidders to register by filling the form(s) provided in the below link on or before 5:00pm, 12th April 2024 and for Akoret Secondary School Construction and for Seismo-electric Geophysical surveys before 5.00P.M. 15th April, 2024.