TENDER NO. KP1/9A.2/RT/018/LRA/23-24
1.1 Introduction.
The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Plc (KPLC) invites bids from eligible Tenderers for
Procurement of an Independent Anonymous Whistleblowing Services.
Interested Eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from the General ManagerSupply Chain, The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Plc at Stima Plaza, 3rd Floor, Kolobot
Road, P.O. Box 30099 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
1.2 Obtaining tender documents.
1.2.1 Tender documents detailing the requirements may be obtained from the KPLC
E- Procurement Portal – RFx No. 2000017982
1.2.2 Prospective bidders may also download the tender document from KPLC’s
website ( free of charge.
1.3 Submission of Tender documents
Completed Tenders are to be submitted in electronic format on the KPLC’s Eprocurement portal on the due date and time published on the portal. Tenderers are required
to visit the portal from time to time for revised closing dates and addendums. The Tender is
to be submitted ONLINE on or before the submission date and time indicated on the KPLC
tendering portal.
1.4 Tender Closing Date and Time
Tender closing date and time is as specified in the KPLC’s tendering portal.
1.5 Prices
Offered Price should be inclusive of all taxes, duties, levies and delivery costs to the
premises (where applicable) of KPLC or other specified site must be in Kenya Shillings or
a freely convertible currency in Kenya and shall remain valid for One hundred and eighty
(180) days from the closing date of the tender. Please note that prices indicated on the
KPLC tendering portal should be exclusive of VAT.
1.6 Opening of submitted Tenders
Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in the presence of the Tenderer’s or their
representatives who choose to attend at 3rd Floor, Stima Plaza. All health protocols during
opening must be observed and only one representative will be allowed in opening venue.
1.7 Pre-bid Meeting There will be NO pre-bid meeting for this tender
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